“See me. Hear me. And trust me. Because all the books in the world can’t tell you what my body is feeling or what I’m going through.”
The founder of a nonprofit, From Roots to Wings, Cheryl continues to be a strong voice for the underserved and underrepresented to ensure that everyone gets access to information, services and opportunities.
Cheryl was interviewed by Kamal Oliver, Re-Entry Coordinator for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute and an active member of Everyday Boston’s Bridge Project. She was photographed by Jaypix Belmer.
Cheryl pushes back
Cheryl describes her response to years of negligence, and how she feels to finally be getting quality care.
(3 min)
Cheryl’s Tips for Health Care Providers
Respect me as an elder
Tell me about your plan to get to the root of my health problem
Treat me like a partner who deserves your trust